Tuesday, November 3, 2009


If we all did what we are capable of doing...We would literally astound ourselves! ~Thomas Edison

Hey Tuff Chicks!  This is Marcee here, your pal in fitness!  As we (Billy & I ) sit here in Starbucks and talking about the day, we are wondering how you feel after today's session.

What do you think Thomas Edison was thinking when he said the above quote? Every time I hear this quote ( I often actually say it to myself when I'm being pushed by Billy in the training world!) I think, If I truly did what I was capable of doing and lifted heavier, or did more repetitions or ran a little faster, for instance,  then ...imagine the possibilities.

 I've been doing this resistance training stuff long enough now to know, indeed, SHIFT HAPPENS!  Changes have occurred in my body and I know change will occur in your body as well.

Remember what Billy said today at the closing of the workout about FAT LOSS & muscle!  Fat burns in the muscle cell PERIOD! So... the more muscle you have, the more fat you're going to burn doing everything:  grocery shopping, house cleaning, driving, walking, yoga, gardening, snow shoveling, etc.

It was a kick-butt workout that you did today! The kind that will make you fat burning, lean, mean, Tuff Chicks.  It wasn't easy!  From my view point, boy, if you did 3-4 workouts a week like that (2 with us and 2 on your own) you would "literally astound yourselves."

Keep up the effort!
Your pal in fitness,


  1. No pain no gain. I am in PAIN today, so thanks SO MUCH for the great workout!

    See you tomorrow!
    Melissa D.

  2. You are kicking major butt Missy. Keep it up!
